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Friday, August 22, 2014

Y'all, it's football season!!

I'm just your average southern gal. I am obsessed with college football. 

If you're a student you have to be there early to save your seats. Always.
Yes, we are all obsessed with SEC football down here (with some ACC fans thrown in the mix). Yes, we are insane. Yes, we have the world's most insane tailgates.Yes, some of us get up at 2am to tailgate for an 11am start (I'm looking at you LSU). As much as I know that people think we are insane, I wouldn't have it any other way.

There is just nothing else like football season. Themed tailgates according to what team you are playing are the norm. Playing Florida at home? Expect to see someone with fried gator at their tailgate. Playing Arkansas at home? There will be several people cooking a whole hog all across campus.

Sneaking into the stadium at Auburn before our game
If you're going to a game in the SEC you'll most likely only see students wearing jeans to a game when it is freezing outside. T-shirts only happen when it is required for the game or you are wearing them for layering purposes. Your wardrobe quickly begins to look like your nicest clothes only come in your school colors.

Superstitions are real, people. They scored when you sat down in frustration? You won't move again until something terrible happens that requires you to move. They keep scoring or holding their offense while you are sitting in that position? You'll be sitting like that for the rest of the game.

We sat like this for a whole quarter of The Egg Bowl in 2007 after we scored and took the lead. Don't say we aren't team players.
All-in-all, I am envious for every freshman who started at my school this fall. Enjoy these next 4 football seasons and try to convince your parents you need to stay for a 5th ;) They really do all fly by!

Linking up with Erin at Love, Fun & Football!


  1. I am so jealous that LSU (and other schools) can start tailgating so early! Someone died in a parking lot because of alcohol poisoning at a local NC university a few years back so now in official club tailgate lots we can't begin our parties until 6 hours prior to kick off,and not before 8am. Naturally that doesn't stop us from lining up in front of the lot at least 2 hours in advance with some pre-gaming haha.

  2. I'm all about the strange supersitions.. they really "work" ;) We've done some weird things to help our team out too... I'm convinced we've had a hand in some of the wins haha! thanks for much for linking up :)

  3. FUN POST! I agree SEC football has some of the craziest tailgates out there. I love me some tailgate food!

  4. I would have to agree, the SEC has some of the best tailgates. Mizzou just joined last year so I'm waiting to see all the crazy this year.

    Stopping by from the link up!

  5. Stopping by from the link-up... such a fun post! I love the Virginia Tech tailgates - but I'm pretty sure the SEC takes it to a whole new level :) Have a great weekend!


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