Fall in Georgia is a blast. There is some new event every weekend that seems to take away from the fact that I can't attend Mississippi State home football games like I used to. I love college football. I love tailgating. Needless to say my falls feel less fall like without it. Thankfully Georgia has found ways to make it not seem so terrible without some good ole SEC football ;)
This past weekend we decided it would be a great idea to pack as many of those activities into one weekend as possible. Saturday we drove up to Dahlonega, GA for Gold Rush, their yearly homecoming weekend for the college there. It's basically a big festival with local artists showcasing their work and A LOT of fried food. We stopped at some booths and ate lunch before walking around. We then just had to stop for some fried Oreos. Dahlonega is a small town that is known for it's gold mining. I think just about every kid who went to summer camp in north Georgia has been taken to Dahlonega to "mine for gold" at least once. I hadn't been to that precious town in almost 15 years. It was so great to see it again!
Kristi and I. It was her first time to enjoy the amazingness that is fried Oreos. |
After indulging in some fried foods we decided to hightail out of there and head to Helen, GA for Oktoberfest. Helen is one the coolest small towns in the US. It is an exact replica of a small German town in the middle of the north Georgia mountains. Every year they have Oktoberfest from the end of September to the end of October. This is Pat's favorite thing to do every year. He was born in Germany, speaks German and l-o-v-e-s German food. Let's just say the terrible fake German accent comes out every time we go to Helen :)
Das boot, bratwurst, sauerkraut. Told ya he loves all things German ;) |
Pat and I at the town square by the beer garden |
Now with Kristi to get our annual picture |
Our group picture in the beer garden |
We all had a blast on our annual excursion to Helen. It was great to go to Gold Rush for the first time and experience Dahlonega during the fall. Next I'll catch y'all up on our Sunday adventure to Burt's Pumpkin Patch in Dawsonville, GA.
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