So to speak. This past weekend was one about just finding joy in all the little things, but also being able to get excited about some big things taking place soon.
Yes, this post should have gone up yesterday. Yes, yesterday was the definition of a Monday. Look it up in the dictionary and my day yesterday would have been laid out for you. Just madness!
Thank goodness yesterday is over and I won't have to deal with that day ever again! Onward and upward :)
Friday was a night at home, and I couldn't have loved it more. We grilled out and just enjoyed each others company. This is how I know I have officially become an adult- I live for these kinds of Friday nights. They are seriously the best. You want to know what makes these kinds of Friday nights better? Getting one of those from the one friend you have known since you were two-
May 2015 can't get here fast enough! |
I love Saturday's where we get everything we need done errand wise by lunch time. L-O-V-E it! We got to get our whole house cleaned, I got almost all of the laundry done (!!!!!), and I went for a run. I can't even describe what a big deal that last one is. Saturday night we got to go out and celebrate two new jobs in our family with Pat's parents. His mom has a new job as a pharmacist with the Army, and I got a promotion at work. I have known about the promotion for a few weeks now, but out of fear of things changing I haven't said a thing. I am so so excited, and it really is such an answered prayer of mine.
I can't rave about our food from
Horseradish Grill enough. It's southern food with a little twist. So. Good.
Fried chicken and red velvet cake?? Good thing I went for that run... |
You know we couldn't end Saturday without celebrating National Margarita Day just a little bit. I mean, if your mother-in-law asks who are you to tell her no?!
A mason jar AND a margarita?! Be still my heart... |
You know what's really awesome? When your weekend DIY project is done by 9AM on Sunday. Bam!
I'll do a DIY post later this week on how to make your very own glass jug lamp. We made two of them, and we are both benefiting from them. I got new lamps, and the husband is currently making his very own apple cider in our basement. Win, win!
One of the joys of having (uh, renting) a home is that we can invite our friends over for a home cooked meal. We only invite the really brave ones when it's something I have never cooked before. Chase got to be really brave on Sunday :) I cooked my first ever made from scratch Italian meal.
We got a head start on our outdoor lighting./candles. Hence the wine bottles |
The plates of the two guys were clean at the end of dinner so I think that means it was decent!
Annnnnnd just because I love y'all, and want y'all to get a good laugh in today. Here is a picture of our two toothed cat (Disclaimer: We adopted her that way. It was not for lack of care on our part. I have never seen a more spoiled animal in my life. Trust me.) -
I can't help it. I laugh every time one of her teeth is keeping one of her lips propped open. |
Happy Tuesday, y'all!!