As the way things always seem to work out, Pat and I had two girl names picked out for future kiddos. Knowing we had girl names down pat I just
knew we were having a boy.
Stone Mountain Scottish Highland Games, October 2014 |
We had so many discussions on boy names that we were both getting frustrated. I had one stipulation- I wanted to use family names. He had two stipulations- We couldn't name our child Asher (my favorite name for 10 years now. Bonus points if you know exactly where the name comes from). Also, we couldn't name our child Brooks (a family name of mine). After a lot of time on and discussing family names with family members we were getting nowhere. My family seems to have plethora of names that could be easily thrown in and then there is Pat's family... They lived and died by the rule that their last name should reflect their current occupations. Sorry Charlie, but I am not naming my child Provost...
So, how did we get to Ehren McAllister? It took some convincing on my part. You see, Pat's middle name is Ehren (pronounced like Aaron) and he felt weird about naming his child after him. It never occurred to me to really use McAllister until my mom said she had tried to find a way to use it for me and my siblings and never could. McAllister is her maiden name.
So here we are preparing for little Ehren McAllister to enter into this world. His nickname will be Macca. It's the British nickname for people with a Mac name. You might have heard of the most famous Macca, Paul McCartney.
Thank goodness we have two girl names picked out. I'm not sure I could handle that much work for a name again!! ... of course this means we will only have boys. Better get to brainstorming!! ;)
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